Technical Webinar: Solar 101

Event Details


May 13, 2020

Start Time

7:00 pm


Webinar link to follow via mailing list email


As a Certified B Corporation and an organization that values learning, innovation, and connecting with our community, we are moved to provide information of interest and value to the members of our SkyFire family. Our intention here is to bring in some inspiration and fresh ideas about what your energy future could hold.

In this education session, you will learn how solar works, if solar is a financial investment that makes sense for you, how to build energy resiliency for yourself and your family all while making the environment better for future generations.  


David Kelly

David Kelly entered the solar industry in 2001 when he installed a 600 watt solar photovoltaic (PV) system on his own home at a cost of approximately $30/W. The solar PV system on his roof was the third grid-tied solar PV system in Alberta. He later went on to form SkyFire Energy Inc. with Tim Schulhauser and David Vonesch in 2010. David Kelly has been a leader in the solar industry for more than a decade and has served for a term on the SESA board and four terms on the board of the Canadian Solar Industries Association (CanSIA) including one term as chairman. He received his Mechanical Engineering degree from the University of Waterloo in 1989.


7pm, May 13th, 2020.

Webinar link to follow via email