1.2M citizens call Calgary, situated at the confluence of the Bow and Elbow Rivers home. These mountain fed rivers provide Calgary with drinking water supply, historical, cultural, recreation and other ecosystem goods and services, but as evident in 2013, can also present risks associated with extreme flooding. Since 2013 the City of Calgary has developed and is implementing a river flood resilience strategy which has combined local and regional, structural and non-structural resilience elements working synergistically toward an ever more sustainable, adaptive Calgary.
Frank Frigo, P.Eng
Frank Frigo is a Water Resources Engineer who has focused his 26 year career on applied hydrology, hydraulics, flood preparedness and response, water supply, watershed and stormwater management and hydraulic structures design, and operations including dam safety. Frank worked as an engineering consultant on projects across Canada before joining the City of Calgary in 2008, to focus on river engineering, water supply, stormwater management and watershed management portfolios. Frank was involved in the response, recovery and resilience strategy for the historic 2013 river flood events. Frank presently serves as the Manager of Watershed Planning for the City.
7pm, Sept 14th, 2022.
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